Sunday, August 25, 2024

Seder 36: Isaiah 51-52: Time to Wake Up

 In Isaiah 51:9-10, God's people in exile pray, "Awake, awake," asking God to intervene on their behalf as he had in the Exodus from Egypt.  

God responds by encouraging the people to concentrate on following him, the Creator and Ruler of the Universe, and not to worry about their oppressors (verses 12-16).  

God goes on to say that it is the people who need to wake up (51:17; 52:1) and have faith so that they will be ready to follow him when he takes action on their behalf.  In 51:7-13, he states that their time of punishment is over, and now their enemies will be punished.  In 52:1-12, he affirms that he will indeed rescue his people again in a new Exodus.  The whole world will see this great event (v 10).  

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