Thursday, November 23, 2023

Seder 5 Sermon: Noah and the Coming of the Son of Man

 In a sermon at Church of the Messiah on November 11, 2023, Kyle Kettering explored Jesus' teaching about his return, recorded in Matthew 24 and Luke 17.

For one thing, Jesus taught that it would be impossible to predict the time of his return (Mt 24:36).  We are to live our lives in readiness for that time.  

Jesus also compared the time before his return to the time before the flood:  "For as were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of Man"  (Mt 24:37; cf. Lk 17:26).  

In this saying, Jesus spoke about himself in the third person as "Son of Man," as he often did.  Kyle reminded us that the title "Son of Man" is actually a more exalted title than "Son of God" is.  "Son of God" is a term associated with a Davidic king (2 Sam 7:14).  "Son of Man" can refer to 

  • a son of Adam---i.e., a human being, as in the book of Ezekiel.
  • Abel, the son of Adam, who in some traditions was expected to return as a Judge (e.g., in the Testament of Abraham).
  • the divine figure of Daniel 7:14ff.  
It is this third sense that is in view in Matthew 24 and Luke 17.  

In what sense will the time before Jesus' return be like the days of Noah?  Genesis 6 describes the days of Noah as a time of violence (Gen 6:11 ,13), which was a major reason for the Flood.  God's "soul hates the wicked and the one who loves violence" (Ps 11:5).  The king of Tyre, a type of Satan, was "filled with violence," which led to his downfall (Ezek 28:16).   

Jesus taught in Luke 17 and in his Olivet discourse that many would be surprised and caught unawares by his return.  Luke 17 closes with the cryptic saying, "Where the corpse is, there the vultures will gather."  

Some see a reference in Luke 17:37 to God's sovereignty as expressed in Job 39:30, or to God's judgment as pictured in Psalm 110:6.  In context, Jesus is referring to the place where those taken in judgment at Jesus' return will be taken.  The Bible pictures birds of prey devouring wicked nations that are gathered against God (Ezek 39:4, 17-20; Rev 19:17-21).

As part of being ready for the coming of the Son of Man, Kyle said, we should 

  • not abide violent images, music, or actions in our lives.
  • speak out against all forms of violence.
  • resist the increasing violence of our times. 

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