Sunday, November 26, 2023

Seder 7 Sermon: Contextualizing the Gospel

 We know that when Jesus spoke to groups of people, he often used parables to make important points (Mt 13, e.g.)  

In a sermon at Church of the Messiah on November 25, 2023, Kyle Kettering reflected on this practice of Jesus.  He noted that parables 

  • make things clear.
  • deal with reality, with a focus on God.
  • usually are making one main point.
In explaining why he used parables (Mt 13:10-15), Jesus observed that not everyone was receptive to what he was trying to communicate.  He quoted Isa 6:9-10, which says that Isaiah faced a similar challenge. 

These verses from Isaiah are often misunderstood.  They do not say that God didn't want the people to understand.  Instead, they say that the people often were not eager to listen, and Isaiah had to accept the fact that many would not respond to his message.  But Isaiah prophesied in hopes of getting as many as possible to listen, and the same was true for Jesus.  For Jesus, parables were an effective way to get a point across, make people think, and sometimes move them to action.  

Jesus' "parable of the soils" is about the fact that there are varying responses to the proclamation of the Gospel.  Today, when fewer people in our culture understand the language and concepts of Christianity, it is important to consider how to most effectively present the Christian message.  Kyle reflected on the fine balance required to make that message accessible without compromising it. 

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