Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Seder 81: Lev 9--Worship at the Tabernacle Begins

 Months of work on the tabernacle culminated on the eighth day of the ordination of Aaron and his sons.  "The eighth day" is often a time of new beginnings and of dedicating things to God---e.g., newborn boys are circumcised on the eighth day. 

This was Aaron's first day on the job as high priest, and he was to begin by offering sacrifices for himself (Lev 9:2) so that he could then serve on behalf of the people.  The author of Hebrews would later point out that this was one drawback of human priests that Jesus did not share (Heb 7:27-28).  In particular, Aaron was to offer "a bull calf for a sin offering," another reminder of Aaron's role in the golden calf incident.

The offerings for the people including purification offerings, burnt offerings, fellowship offerings, and grain offerings (vv 3-4).  With them the nation could be cleansed and totally dedicated to God, then could have fellowship with God and dedicate their work to him.  

This was a dramatic moment.  Would God find Israel's work and worship acceptable?  Aaron and Moses would have prayed for this when they went into the tent (v 23), and God accepted the offerings (v 24).

Lev 9:24 is one of a number of times when God appeared in fire or sent fire.  Rob Wilson listed them in a sermon at Church of the Messiah on November 27, 2021:  Ex 3:2; 13:21; 19:18; Judges 6:21; 13:20; 1 Kings 18:38; 1 Chron 21:26; 2 Chron 7:1.   

Rob explained that God wants his people to keep the fire going--Lev 6:12.  As Paul encouraged Timothy, "fan into flame the gift of God" (2 Tim 1:6).  

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