Thursday, August 27, 2020

Seder 22: Psalm 60---The Sovereign God Gives the Victory

Psalm 60 is associated with King David's military campaigns that expanded the borders of Israel---see 2 Sam 8:1-4; 1 Chron 18:1-13.  The summaries of these campaigns in Samuel and Chronicles only mention the overall results of victory for Israel, not any difficulties that arose along the way.  Psalm 60 implies that there were some difficulties, times when the final outcome was not at all clear.  At such times David and the Israelites cried out to God for help, appealing to his covenant promises (vv 1-5) 

God responds to Israel's prayers by making clear that he rules over all nations and will work through Israel (vv 6-8).  The enemies that are troubling Israel really amount to nothing.  

In verses 9-12, David prays before a battle.  He knows that he can only succeed with God's help.  

There is a contemporary worship song with lyrics from Ps 60:12.  

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