Thursday, August 13, 2020

Seder 21: Gen 24---A Marriage Made in Heaven

 In Genesis 24 Abraham, at age about 140 (about 3 years after Sarah's death), sends his trusted servant on a long journey back to Abraham's homeland to find a bride for Isaac.  A woman willing to travel back with the servant and marry Isaac would have to be someone like Abraham (Gen 12:1-4), leaving family and homeland behind for a divine purpose.  

And indeed, this chapter emphasizes the parallels between Abraham and Rebekah, the woman brought back by the servant.  In particular, Rebekah exercises the kind of "radical hospitality" that characterized Abraham (vv 15-21).

The servant was convinced that God had chosen a special wife for Isaac, and he was determined to find that person with God's help.   He prayed for a very specific sign that would identify the right woman (vv 10-14).  And despite the servant's presumptuousness, God honored his prayer.  

Jack Starcher commented on this incident in a message at Church of the Messiah on Aug 8, 2020.  He noted God's commitment to working through his human "imagers" (Gen 1:28; 1 Cor 6:1-3).  He asserted that God has a "suggestion box" and invites us to use it.  If we pray according to his will, God will grant our request or do something even better.

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