Friday, April 24, 2020

Seder 7 Sermon: Coming out of the Ark with God's Guidance

After over a year of patiently waiting in the ark, Noah and his family go out at God's command (Gen 8:14-19).  God instructs them to be fruitful and multiply, reaffirming the commission he had originally given to Adam.  It was a time of renewal of creation.

In his sermon this week, Rob Wilson looked at the parallels between Noah's situation and our circumstances at the end of April 2020, when we wait at home wondering about how and when to come out and resume normal activities. 

In Gen 8-9, God made an eternal covenant with all life on earth, symbolized by the rainbow.  Noah and his family would represent God in starting a new world. 

Later God called Israel to represent him, and he promised to send the Messiah, who would "bring forth justice to the nations" (Isa 42:1).  He and his followers after him would be "a covenant to the people, a light to the nations" (v 6).  Ultimately there will be a new world which will be so great that the former world will no longer be remembered (Isa 65:17-18; Rev 21:2-7).     

Rob emphasized that God will instruct us as we go out and restart the world.  As we do so, we are to properly represent God in the world.  He urged us to trust God and seek his guidance.

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