Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Seder 48: Isa 42:8-43:7---God Will Deliver His People

In Isaiah 42:10-17, Isaiah calls on all the earth, even the most remote parts, to praise God.  The God of Israel is not just a local deity, but rules the whole world.  The people of Judah in exile, who wondered when God would intervene to help them, would not have to wait forever.  God would go to any lengths necessary to bring his people out of captivity in a new Exodus, and the gods of Babylon would be powerless to do anything about it. 

Verses 18-25 remind the people that it was their own spiritual blindness that led to their exile.  God had taught them plainly (verse 21), but they had not listened, and so he sent them to Babylon.  They were not in captivity because of Babylon's power, but because God had sent them there for correction.    

And by his grace, God would also deliver them from captivity in due time (43:1-7).  Because of his love for his people, he would pay any price to redeem them, and he would bring them back from the four corners of the earth.  The one who created them could save them by his grace.

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