Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Seder 138:Deuteronomy 5---Recalling the Revelation at Sinai

 The second sermon of Moses recorded in Deuteronomy begins in Deuteronomy 4:45 (verse 44 is a conclusion for his first address).  Moses takes his listeners back almost 40 years to the great theophany at Mt. Horeb/Sinai.  He declares, 

"Not with our fathers did the LORD make this covenant, but with us, who are all of us here alive today." 

Now in fact, many of those addressed by Moses had not witnessed those events in person.  Moses means that the covenant was not made just with their fathers, but with them as well.  Even though many had not been there in person, they should think of themselves as having been there.  It is not just their parents' covenant.

Moses then rehearses the words that God had spoken to Israel at Sinai, beginning with the key declaration in verse 6: "I am the LORD your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery."  This preamble to the Decalogue makes clear that these precepts are instruction for the redeemed community, not a prerequisite for salvation. 

Commentator Daniel Block calls the Decalogue a "bill of rights"---specifically, a bill of the rights of others.  God has the right to exclusive allegiance.  People and animals have the right to a weekly rest from labor.  Parents have the right to our respect.  Neighbors have property rights and the right to live without fear of exploitation.  

Moses reminds the Israelites that at Sinai, Moses had been given the responsibility to convey God's instruction to them.  Their parents had asked him to do so, and God had endorsed this plan (Dt 5:23-29).  In the book of Deuteronomy, Moses is simply carrying out this responsibility.  

In a sermon at Church of the Messiah on March 11, 2023, Kyle Kettering observed that the Decalogue is a light for the whole world, a blueprint for an abundant life that Israel was to share with the nations.  Through Israel would also come the incarnate Word of God, Jesus the Messiah, to bring the light of salvation (Isa 9:1-7; Mt 4:12-17).  

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