Thursday, December 15, 2022

Seder 128: Isaiah 49 and Luke 11---Defeating the Strong Man

Isa 49:24 poses a question:  "Can the prey be taken from the mighty, or the captives of a tyrant be rescued?" 

Verse 25 then gives an affirmative answer to the question.  Yes, God is perfectly capable of doing those things.

In a sermon at Church of the Messiah on December 10, 2022, Kyle Kettering suggested that Jesus may have been alluding to Isa 49:24-25 in Luke 11:21-22, when he was answering accusers who questioned the source of his miracles.  Jesus had cast a mute demon out of a man (v. 14), and some had accused him of being empowered by the prince of demons (v 15).  

Jesus had pointed out that this accusation didn't make any sense. He had also made the point that to defeat a "strong man," one had to be even stronger (vv 21-22).  Here was where Jesus may have had Isa 49:24-25 in mind.

In our battles with the adversary, Kyle said, we should remember that Jesus is stronger than all the forces of evil, as he demonstrated in Luke 11 and elsewhere.  

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