Sunday, October 30, 2022

Seder 122: Psalm 111---Study Leads to Praise

 Psalm 111 is a hymn of praise to God, whose great works are "studied by all who delight in them" (v 2).  The study of God's works of creation and redemption leads the student to see the wonderful attributes of God, which in turn causes the student to praise God.

God's works demonstrate that he is King over all the earth (Ex 15:18), displaying his "splendor and majesty" (v 3).  His rule over his people and the nations displays his righteousness. 

In his wisdom God  "has caused his wonderful works to be remembered" (v 4)---e.g., at the festival days.  Those works also show us that he is "gracious and merciful," as he declares in Ex 34:6-7.  We see his grace in his provision of food for this people (v 5).  

The word for "food" (terep) in verse 5 is not the usual one.  It's a word for "prey" that later came to be a term for unclean food.  Psalm 111, it turns out, is an acrostic psalm, with 22 consecutive phrases beginning with the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet.  The word for "food" apparently was chosen because a word beginning with the letter "tet" was needed in that place in the psalm.  Coming up with a meaningful psalm while adhering to such a strict pattern requires quite a bit of skill!

God's works also show his faithfulness to his covenant and his people.  Humans are often fickle, but he is faithful.  His words are consistent with his actions and can be counted upon.  

When we contemplate God's work, our fitting response is to fear Him and seek his wisdom.  Psalm 112, another acrostic psalm, continues with that theme.

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