Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Seder 106: Numbers 6:1-21---the Nazirite Vow

 Numbers 6:1-21 describes the Nazirite vow, a way in which one could separate oneself to God at a high level of holiness for a specified period of time.  During the time of the vow, a Nazirite was to partake of no wine or grape products, was not to have a haircut, and was to have no contact with a corpse.  

These requirements have some parallels with the requirements for an Israelite high priest, who also was to have no contact with a corpse.(Lev 21:11) and was not to drink alcoholic beverages while on duty (Lev 10:9).  Both high priests and Nazirites had a special head covering.

One might undertake such a vow to express devotion or gratitude to God.  One might also promise to become a Nazirite if a certain prayer was answered.  

Any Israelite, male or female, could become a Nazirite.  For example, Queen Helene of Adiabene promised to do a 7-year vow if her son Izates, who had gone to war, returned safely.  He did, and see carried out the vow.  She is said to have continued the vow for an extra seven years (m. Nazir 3:6). 

 Another female Nazirite mentioned in the Mishna and Talmud was Miriam of Palmyra (m Nazir 6:11).

The completion of a Nazirite vow was commemorated with a series of offerings (Num 6:13-21).  There has been much discussion among Jewish commentators about why one of them was a purification offering (v 16). One suggestion is that the purification offering was for the fact that the vow was now ending.  Another is that the purification offering is for all the good things that the Nazirite could have been enjoying during the time of the vow.  In any case, the goal was for the Nazirite to return to normal life at a higher spiritual level.

Since the offerings were expensive, it was considered to be a mitzvah to help a Nazirite finance them.  Paul once acted in this capacity (Acts 21:17-26) and also carried out a vow of his own (Acts 18:18).  These are some of the data supporting the assertion that Paul remained Torah observant after he was called as an apostle.

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