Sunday, February 20, 2022

Seder 92: Psalm 99---Yahweh Rules all Nations from Zion

 A major theme in Psalms 93-100 is God's rule over all the earth.  We see this theme in Psalm 99, which begins, "The Lord reigns; let the peoples tremble!"  

A midrash on this verse observes that when Israel is in exile, the nations are calm and self-satisfied; but when Israel is restored, the nations tremble.  The implication is that this verse points toward a future time when Israel is restored and Yahweh rules all the earth from Zion---see verse 2.  

Verse 1 continues, "He sits enthroned upon the cherubim; let the earth quake!"  The imagery of the earth quaking reminds us, for example, of Zech 14:1-9, a prophecy of God's intervention to rule the earth.  

Under God's rule, righteousness, justice, and peace are established---v 4.  We are reminded of Isa 2:1-4, for example. 

The proper response of all people to the rule of the holy mighty God is worship and praise.  God's people are to lead the way in doing this (vv 5,9).

God's rule has been good for Israel.  He revealed his Torah to them (v 7), and responded to the prayers of his servants (v 6).  He rules with both mercy and justice (v 8), as described in Ex 34:6-7. 

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