Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Seder 80: Lev 8---Ordination of Aaron and his Sons

 After laying out the details of the sacrificial system in chapters 1-7, the book of Leviticus describes the initialization of that system in chapter 8.  Moses officiates, carrying out the ordination of Aaron and his sons. 

Moses received instructions for the ordination from God (Ex 29), and these instructions were carried out carefully.  Seven times in Lev 8 it is mentioned that things were done just as God had told Moses to do them.  

The ceremony included a covenant meal, a special kind of fellowship offering (vv 22-29), with Moses receiving the priest's portion and Aaron and his sons the offerer's portion.

Rob Wilson gave a sermon on Seder 80 at Church of the Messiah on Nov 20, 2021.  He discussed the ordination of the priests and the commissioning of the New Testament royal priesthood.

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