Saturday, November 27, 2021

Seder 79: Psalm 96---Praise for the King

 Psalm 96 calls upon all creation to praise God, the righteous king and judge.  

This psalm is largely repeated in 1 Chron 16:23-33, so it associated with David's bringing the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem.  

Commentator Willem VanGemeren observes that Psalm 96 shares a number of motifs with Isa 40-66, including 

  • polemics against idolatry--Ps 96:5; Isa 40:18-31; 41:21-24; 44:6-8.
  • creation--Ps 96:5; Isa 40:22; 42:5; 44:24; 45:12.
  • nature's response to God's redemption--Ps 96:1,9,11-12; Isa 49:13; 55:12.
  • the nations--Ps 96:3,10,13; Isa 45:20; 49:7; 56:3-8; 60:9-12,14,16; 66:18.
The psalm urges all to sing praises to God, and to ascribe to him the glory due to him.  He is the Creator of all and so also the ruler and judge.  

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