Friday, August 6, 2021

Seder 66: Exodus 27:20-21---Keep the Lamps Lit

 After giving descriptions of the bronze altar and the tabernacles courtyard, Exodus 27 concludes by specifying that the priests would use olive oil to keep the menorah lit every night (vv 20-21).  

On July 31, 2021, Kyle Kettering talked about the symbolic significance of a continually burning light in a sermon at Church of the Messiah.  

He noted that God began the creation week by proclaiming, "Let there be light" (Gen 1:3).  In Hebrew, this sentence is literally, "Be light!", which we can read as instruction for the humans he created in his image.   

Being light means doing good works, as guided by God's word (Matt 5:14-16).  God's word is itself described as a lamp that will guide our steps (Ps 119:105; Prov 6:23).  The Talmud (b Sotah 21a) says that each biblical commandment is a small lamp.

Keeping our lamps lit means following God each day, so that we will be ready when Jesus returns.  In one parable about this Jesus instructed, "Stay dressed for action and keep your lamps burning" (Luke 12:35-48).  

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