Sunday, July 4, 2021

Seder 62: Psalm 40---Past Experience Gives Confidence in Future Deliverance

 In Psalm 40 David begins by relating his personal experience of deliverance when he has waited patiently for God's help.  He proclaims publicly what God has done for him and for Israel, strengthening the faith of others (vv 1-5, 9-10).  When new trials arise, he comes confidently to God, trusting in further help (vv 11-17).  His prayer for help in vv 13-17 has been preserved separately as Psalm 70.

David can pray with confidence because he has made a full commitment to God.  He does not just go through the motions of practicing his religion (v 6).  "You have given me an open ear," David says.  The Hebrew in v. 6 literally says, "Ears you have dug for me."  He wants to carry out what God has planned for him as a king of Israel and ancestor of the Messiah (v. 7)  He wants to internalize God's instruction (v 8).  

David's attitude can be compared to that which the Israelites expressed at Mt Sinai at the ratification of the Mosaic covenant in Exodus 24:7:  "All that the LORD has spoken we will do, and we will be obedient."  Here the Hebrew literally says, "We will do, and we will hear."  

In Psalm 40:6-8 David speaks as God's anointed one.  The author of Hebrews saw David's attitude as a type of the obedience unto death that Jesus displayed in making his once-for-all sacrifice on our behalf (Heb 10:5-10).  

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