Monday, June 14, 2021

Seder 56: Exodus 15 and Psalm 98---Victory of the Divine Warrior

 The Song of the Sea in Exodus 15 might be called a "protopsalm".  It sets a pattern followed by many songs of praise to the God of Israel.  

In Psalm 98, for example, we hear some echoes of Exodus 15.  Both proclaim the salvation accomplished by the mighty "right hand" of the divine warrior (Exod 15:2,6,12; Ps 98:1).  

In both songs, God's mighty works on behalf of Israel are carried out as a witness to the nations (Exod 15:14-16; Ps 98:2-4).

In Exodus 15, God's control over nature is emphasized (verses 5,8,10,12).  In Psalm 98, all nature praises God (verses 7-8), looking forward to the redemption of all creation (Rom 8:18-23).

Both songs also look ahead to future mighty works carried out by great King of all the earth (Exod 15:17-18; Ps 98:9).  

We also see many of these elements in the song of Moses and song of the Lamb in Rev 15:3-4.  At Church of the Messiah on May 15, 2021, Rob Wilson brought out lessons from all of these songs in a sermon

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