Saturday, August 29, 2020

Seder 24: Gen 25-26---Comparing Abraham and Isaac

 Chapters 25-26 of Genesis present a number of parallels between the lives of Abraham and Isaac, inviting the reader to compare the two.  Some of the comparisons are:

  • Like Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah had fertility problems.  Unlike Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah did not resort to using a concubine.  
  • Like Abraham, Isaac had to deal with famine.  Unlike Abraham, Isaac did not seek refuge in Egypt.
  • Like Abraham, Isaac was wary of the people of surrounding cultures and did not trust them.  Like Abraham, Isaac claimed his wife was his sister because of this distrust.
  • Like Abraham, Isaac was blessed with great wealth.
  • As with Abraham, the leaders of Gerar were attracted to Isaac's wealth and sought a treaty with him.
  • Isaac, like Abraham, had to cope with disputes over wells and water rights.
  • Isaac, like Abraham, sought to have peace with those around him and distanced himself from conflict.

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